

Where to find E-Books?
As a rule, e-books licensed by the library can be searched via our library catalogue. They can also be accessed on the corresponding provider pages.

How to find E-Books in our library catalog?

To do this, choose the following settings in the hit list:
Improve my results → Type of resource "Books" AND Show only → Online resources

In a hit list, you can recognize e-books by the following information:

  •     "Full text available" or
  •     "Online access to the HTW campus network" or
  •     "Online access to the HTW campus network. The library also has printed copies".

Please observe the generally applicable terms of use and notices for electronic books on the websites of publishers and providers or the currently applicable copyright provisions.


Which e-books from which providers are in the library stock?

Supplier / Publisher Subject Dowloading, Saving, Printing? Access
Bundesanzeiger-Verlag: Bautabellen digital construction engineering by chapter VPN
Beck: Beck online law by chapter only in campus-network
Elsevier Nationallizen eBook-Collection mathematics, statistics by chapter VPN
Erich Schmidt Verlag economics, social sciences completely VPN
Espresso-Tutorials: Digitale SAP-Bibliothek computational science, economics no saving possible VPN
GBI-Genios: WISO economics, social sciences completely VPN
De Gruyter EBS 2019-2020 multidisciplinary completely VPN
Hanser multidisciplinary by chapter VPN
Nomos eLibrary economics, social sciences completely VPN
OECD iLibrary bis 2018 multidisciplinary completely VPN
OEKOM sustainability, ecology by chapter VPN
Oxford Music music completely, by chapter VPN
Springer: Springer Link multidisciplinary completely VPN
UTB: Studi-E-Book multidisciplinary 30 pages per session VPN
Ulmer agriculture, ecology by chapter VPN
Vahlen: e-Library multidisciplinary by chapter VPN
Wichmann geodesy, carthography by chapter VPN


Ebook Central of Proquest is a platform that contains e-books from over 100 publishers. Each e-book, whether licensed or not, can be read every day for five minutes free of charge. After 5 minutes a Shibboleth registration appears. For this you need your university login.

  licensed not licensed
display in hit list available available on demand
functions unlimited online reading, 40 % per book may be printed as pdf, 20 % of a book may be copied, download per day with planned offline use possible (installation of freeware Adobe Digital Editions necessary) Request to the library with acquisition proposal, every day five minutes of free reading is possible.