instructions for setting up vpn for mac OS

macOS 11 "Big Sur"

For macOS 11 "Big Sur" it is necessary to grant explict permission to AnyConnect system extensions. This can be done in the "Security & Privacy" settings of the "System Preferences".


The vpn client used at the HTW is "Cisco AnyConnect". 

You can download Cisco AnyConnect for macOS in the internal area after successful authentication using the HTW login and password.

Installation (once)

For vpn access, the vpn client "Cisco AnyConnect" must first be initially installed (see vpn downloads). Make sure you have administrator privileges on the appropriate system as they are usually needed during installation. The version pictured here is only an example. The download area always provides the latest installation files.

Connect to vpn

After having installed Cisco AnyConnect Client once, you can start a vpn connection as described below.

In your programme guide, select the "Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client", e.g., by pressing the CMD + spacebar and entering "AnyConnect".

In the opening window enter as server address "" (if this is not already in the appropriate field) and click" Connect". Possibly, AnyConnect obtains and installs a software update before the next step, which may cause a short delay.


In the next window, select the desired VPN profile (usually "HTW-vpn-split", see VPN Home) and enter your HTW login together with the associated password and click on "OK". This establishes the VPN connection and AnyConnect then minimizes itself in the Windows toolbar.

Disconnect to vpn

To disconnect the vpn connection, click the AnyConnect icon in the system tray, and then click "Disconnect". After that you can close the window. AnyConnect will remain as an icon in the taskbar, through which you can connect at a later time.

If you want to close AnyConnect, right-click on the AnyConnect icon and choose "Close".