[Translate to English:] Studierende im Seminarraum
HTW Dresden/ Peter Sebb
Created by Stabsstelle Internationales |

International Summer School with the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague

From 30 May to 3 June 2022 the international summer school “Topics of Electrical Engineering” (TofEE) took place together with the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague.

15 students from both faculties of Electrical Engineering participated in 4 teaching blocks in Dresden on Monday and Tuesday, in 4 teaching blocks in Prague on Thursday and Friday and in the visit of the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB) in Buštěhrad on Wednesday.

Professors from other faculties of HTW Dresden were also offered the opportunity to participate and exchange project ideas with the CTU and the UCEEB. Professors from the faculties of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Agriculture/Environment/Chemistry joined the invitation of the International Office and the Vice Rectorate Research and Technology Transfer to the 1-day research trip (01.06.2022) and the possibility of international networking.

The cooperation between CTU Prague and HTW Dresden has been running successfully for almost 30 years and covers exchange of students and staff, joint programs as well as research projects in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science and spatial information. The collaboration is to be continued through the development of new joint projects and extended to other areas thanks to the newly established networks. Thanks to all professors for their contributions, to the DAAD and the International Office, as well as to the Vice Rectorate Research and Technology of HTW Dresden for the financial and practical support. The cooperation is supported by the DAAD's funding programme Ostpartnerschaften.


Created by Stabsstelle Internationales |