Welcome to the Graduate Service!
The aim of the Graduate Service is to provide information, advice and offers for qualification and networking. We thus address all scientific employees in the laboratories and research offices. Many of them are doctoral students or postdocs. We also warmly welcome students interested in research.

Advice and Service from A to Z
Contact: International Office and Leonardo Office Saxony
Whether directly after your studies or during your time as an employee at HTW Dresden: a stay abroad can expand your language, intercultural skills and your view of the world. We advise on financial possibilities and the application steps up to successful funding.
The path to suitable financing varies in length. Many parameters are of significance: subject area, expected duration, financial requirements, current tenders and projects, contacts, etc. The aim of the consultation is to sound out the various options and provide initial indications for further action. In addition, use the opportunity to search for scholarships, for example, to filter out potential funding sources.
>> Website PhD and Doctoral Funding
Contact: Library of HTW Dresden
Research data management enables a structured and efficient handling of research data. This not only saves time and resources, but also increases the reusability and visibility of research data. To this end, we offer a wide range of services that present the organisational, technical and legal framework conditions and enable efficient, uncomplicated and legally secure work.
Contact: Susann Bladwell
Grpndungsschmiede (engl. foundation forge) is the partner for all ideas & questions around the topics foundation and independence and offers as incubator the possibility to the founder teams of the HTW Dresden to use free of charge jobs. In cooperation with dresden|exists, the start-up company offers event formats which on the one hand show entrepreneurial action and self-employment as attractive perspectives and on the other hand impart knowledge relevant to start-ups.
Contact: Jana Halgasch
We burn for teaching and university didactics. (Media)didactic questions, constructive alignment, exchange as well as training and information offers are our "daily bread". We offer you direct, personal advice and would like to inspire you to try out innovative ideas in your teaching. Researching, activating and also digital.
Contact: Matthias Bauch
If an external partner supports HTW Dresden with the processing of a research and development task, it is necessary to prepare a calculation and an offer. We support you in this process by creating the documents together with you, obtaining the necessary approvals and sending the quotations. Should it become necessary to adjust the contract beyond the usual scope, we will advise you accordingly.
Contact: Conrad Schmidt, Ingrid Illgen and Michael Anz
We can advise you if you have not yet found the right public funding for your research topic. If you require details on guidelines and calls for proposals, we will contact the project management organisation on your behalf. If you have any questions regarding the calculation of your project expenses, we will support you. We will then accompany you through the administrative process of preparing the application until the document is ready to be signed.
Contact: Library of HTW Dresden
We offer you support and assistance in the publication process and advise you on all aspects of your Open Access publication. On request, we can also introduce interested groups to the topic of Open Access with a lecture and show you the various publication options.
Contact: Central Projectadministration
If you are working on a publicly funded project at HTW Dresden or are receiving a doctoral scholarship from the university, these projects are administered by the Central Project Administration.
Contact: Dr. Sabine Stiehler
The time of the doctorate is a phase of personality development, which is almost legally connected with crises. Difficulties can arise at the beginning, during the course or during the time of graduation.
Areas in which psychological counselling is required may be, for example: Doubts about continuing the doctorate, work difficulties, examination anxiety, lack of self-esteem, problems in the social environment, problems with alcohol, drugs, online addiction, depressive moods. In case of partnership problems, couple counselling is also possible.
Note: The counselling is aimed at matriculated doctoral students at HTW Dresden and TU Dresden. Please send a short e-mail with your request to the counselling centre. Thank you very much!
Contact: Matthias Bauch
We advise you on protectability and scope of protection as well as on general intellectual property rights issues, including contractual aspects. In addition, we coordinate all invention, patent and exploitation activities, e.g. the development of exploitation strategies, the negotiation of exploitation agreements with companies and the support of spin-offs based on intellectual property rights.
Contact: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anja Voß-Böhme
Statistical consulting is an internal service of HTW Dresden which is aimed at research assistants, doctoral students and university teachers. The aim is to support academic staff in empirical questions regarding the selection of methods and tools for the collection, evaluation and processing of statistical data.
Within the framework of an initial consultation, the fundamental questions will be clarified: Which methodology will be used or is to be used? Which data already exists or which data should be collected? The offer is interesting both for persons who have already provided methods and would like to have them tested for their effectiveness and for persons who have not yet made a final decision in favour of a method. In the further course of the project, further discussions will be arranged, as required, regarding the implementation of the mathematical-statistical elements, which will address problems or questions