International Virtual Winter Seminar "Managed Aquifer Recharge
The first international virtual winter seminar on "Managed Aquifer Recharge" (MAR) took place at the HTW Dresden on 03.12.2020.
The 40 participants came from 21 countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Australia, Bangladesh, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, Finland, France, Gambia, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Iran, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, USA, and Vietnam,. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Grischek and Dr.-Ing. Cornelius Sandhu from the Division of Water Sciences introduced MAR including riverbank filtration, aspects of hydraulics and site selection. Applications and MAR sites in Dresden were also presented. Furthermore, the recently published UNESCO-IAH-MAR-Case-Study-Book was presented. Finally, the participants got their questions answered in an online discussion and took part in an online quiz on MAR.
Driven by climate change, MAR is, alongside demand management, an increasingly important water management strategy for the preservation, promotion and safeguarding of stressed groundwater systems and for the protection and improvement of water quality.
These topics will be discussed in more detail at the international summer school "Managed Aquifer Recharge", which will take place from 22.08. to 04.09.2021 at the HTW Dresden.
The seminar was organised by Cristina Sandhu as part of the project "Future.East", which has been running at the HTW Dresden since the end of 2019 and is funded by the DAAD within the HAW programme.