The Team

Since 2001, we have been a student association, which together with the International Office looks after our international students at the University of Applied Science Dresden. By joining the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) we are also part of the largest student network worldwide.
Together we stand and work for:

  • The unity in diversity, the diversity in unity. Because we all have different backgrounds, but we all have a common intention and a common goal.
  • Students who help students, because we are passionately committed to volunteering for the benefit of others.
  • Enjoy friendship and respect, because we enjoy relationships based on respect.
  • International dimension of life, because we are open-minded, mobile, enjoy discovering and exploring, cooperate and interact to break down barriers.

And above all to love Europe as a space of peace!

   Ludwig Herold

Vice President
   Lukas Nissler

Chief Financial Officer
   Victor Parade

Local Representativ
   Emil Bude

General board contact


Project manager
    Julia Schwarz 



Our Event-Team plans and carries out diverse cultural, sportive and culinary events. We would like to show our international students the German culture as well as Dresden's attractions and surrounding area.

Whether it is laser tag, hiking in Saxon Switzerland or going to watch an opera at Semperoper together we want to make their stay unique and make great experiences with them!

Feel free to write an email or contact us via our meetings. 

As the party team we organize the Länderparties and the Farewellparty.

Our goal is to celebrate together with national and international students and to have a great time. With help of local music from the host country, national food, drinks and typical habits you will get to know the other cultures.

Interested in planning a party and be the host country? Just write an email or meet us at one of our parties!

In Social Erasmus Team you can make true your own projects. We organize different charities and take part of social events such as "Weinachten im Schuhkartons" (Christmas presents in shoe boxes) and "Elbwiesereingung" (Cleaning the riverside from the Elbe). 

In addition, we are engaged to promote and support the acceptance towards cultural diversity in our next generations.
If you are interested, you can always join and support us with your creativity. 

Get in touch with us in our weekly meetings or email us.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

Our marketing and designteam is responsible for all the content you can find on social media.

We create designs and descriptions for posters as well as posts on instagram and facebook events. We publish our creations to promote several events. Our channels are facebook, instagram and the smoky-app. You can inform yourself there about every activity and event which has something to do with our faranto-association.

If you want to contact us, feel free to do so via one of our social media channels, it might be the easiest way.

As IT-Team we support the association in all information-technical interests.

We manage the accounts of our members and make sure that the website stays online. We help our Incomings in the first weeks to get along with the infrastructure of the University of Applied Science Dresden and comfort them about the low data rates in German mobile networks.

You can reach us either via email or during the meetings every Tuesday.