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To get your start-up on a solid footing, you need money. While you invest time in building your business, you also need to cover living expenses, product development, notary fees, etc. How much money you actually need depends on your business model. Therefore, a solid financing concept is part of every business plan. The Gründungsschmiede supports you in this.

Once the capital requirements have been determined, the question arises as to how to finance the project. There is a seemingly endless range of possibilities here. Are public or private financiers a possibility? Are funding programmes, a bank loan or alternatives such as crowdfunding, venture capital and business angels the right way?

Our advisors keep track of everything and work with you to find the right financing.


Talk about money?

With us here!

You want to get your head around it before we talk?

Then take a look at our ABC of Foundations. We have compiled important sources of information for you under Financing Concept and Subsidies. And on the dresdenIexists website you will find detailed information on various financing options and funding programmes.