HAW.International Future.East
The year 2023 marks the end of the international project Future.East, which started in September 2019 and was funded as part of the DAAD funding programme HAW.International.
New collaborations were established with universities and institutions in Vietnam, Mongolia and Georgia. In particular the faculties of Computer Science/Mathematics (Prof. Block-Berlitz, Prof. Neugebauer, Prof. Klimova), Spatial Information (Prof. Oczipka) and Civil Engineering (Prof. Grischek) were involved in the development of new international courses, programmes and curricula. International partnerships were developed and deepened and successful new projects were established in the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering (Prof. Stehr) and Agriculture/Environment/Chemistry (Prof. Harre, Prof. Cierjacks).
Due to the corona pandemic and the corresponding restrictions on mobility, changes and adjustments to the project were necessary. On the other hand, new perspectives for digital cooperation and transnational teaching opened up.
Offers for students:
- International Master's degree programme in Computer and Geoscience in Archaeology in the Faculties of Informatics/Mathematics and Spatial Information (under development)
- International Summer School Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Modules in English in the field of media and business informatics
- Study Aboard in Vietnam, Mongolia and Georgia
- Study trips and Summer Schools (the page is constantly updated)
New cooperation partners for study abroad:
In Mongolia
- National University of Mongolia
- German-Mongolian Institute for Resource and Technology
In Georgia
- International Black Sea University
- Georgian Technical University
In Vietnam
- Hanoi University of Science and Technology
- University of Transport and Communication
- Vietnamese-German University