[Translate to English:] Studium Integrale
Peter Sebb

English app "Moreover" for members

We offer another option for independently developing your foreign language skills. You can find more information in our news report.

We offer all students and employees of the HTW Dresden free access to online language learning from Babbel. Babbel enables you to learn these languages at different levels: English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, Dutch, Polish, Indonesian, Norwegian, Danish, Russian.

Registration is easy via e-mail from your university account. You will then receive a separate email for your individual registration on the platform as soon as possible. This allows you to work on your language skills for at least three months; of course without further obligations or necessary terminations.

Please note that we can only provide a limited number of places to participate.

Babbel is characterized by the following properties:

  • Short learning units: All lessons at Babbel can be completed in 10 to 15 minutes, as research shows that learning in small portions is the most effective way of retaining information. This means you can complete a whole lesson in a short time and make efficient use of breaks and waiting times.
  • Personalized vocabulary repetition: Babbel offers the function of improving your own vocabulary in a targeted manner by saving all vocabulary from completed lessons and making them available for regular repetition. In this way, learners can target all weak points and close learning gaps in order to build a strong and effective foundation.
  • Speech recognition technology: Babbel gets you talking instantly. The language learning app uses speech recognition technology to give you the chance to practice so that you can quickly feel confident while speaking.
  • Flexible learning: Babbel is designed so that learning units can be integrated into a full calendar. Learning progress is synchronized via desktop, tablet or smartphone. So you can always pick up exactly where you left off.
  • Holistic approach to learning: A language cannot be learned with one learning medium alone. Babbel offers a blended learning method that complements language learning on the e-learning platform with online lessons by a personal teacher.

Additional Information


We are happy to answer your questions by e-mail, by phone on 0351 462-2074, or in office Z 708. Please note our office hours Monday to Wednesday, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and Fridays by appointment.