![[Translate to English:] s](/fileadmin/HTW/Studium/3_nach_dem_Studium/Alumni/Bilder/pexels-pixabay-267885.jpg)
Career advice & entrepreneurship
Company foundation
From idea screening to advice on funding and financing options, our team at HTWD Gründungsschmiede will support you in your project. Find out more about the services and event formats now.
![[Translate to English:] Eine Gründugsberaterin erklärt an einem Whiteboard die Grundlagen der Ideenfindung](/fileadmin/HTW/Studium/3_nach_dem_Studium/Alumni/Bilder/23_Alumni_Webseite_Gruendung.png)
Karriereorientierung & Coaching
The Career Service is there to help you with your job search and career advice. There is a special offer for our international students. You can find more information here.
![[Translate to English:] m](/fileadmin/HTW/Studium/6_Career_Service/Bilder/Kopfbild_Job-Talks.jpg)