Representatives and contact persons

Equal opportunities officer - Contact persons of the employer

Detailed information about equality

Equal opportunities officer - Contact persons of the staff council

Websites of the Staff Council (internal area of the website)

Complaints office in accordance with the General Equal Treatment Act (Section 13 AGG)

Information from the complaints office (internal area of the website)

Data protection officer

Information from the Data protection officer

Representative for information security

Information from the Representative for information security (internal area of the website)

Representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses

Information on studying with a disability

Representation for severely disabled persons

Information from the representative body for severely disabled employees (internal area of the website)

Contact person for conflict resolution at the workplace

Information on conflict resolution in the workplace (internal section of the website)

Operational integration management

Information from the Staff Council on BEM (internal area of the website)

Contact person for addiction issues

Occupational safety

Occupational safety portal (internal area of the website)

Anti-Semitism reporting centre

For the HTW Dresden, incidents of a suspected anti-Semitic nature can be reported directly to rektorin(at)

Reporting office in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act

The aim of the Whistleblower Protection Act is to give whistleblowers the opportunity to draw attention to violations of laws and regulations in companies and public authorities easily and without fear of reprisals. The information about offences must have been obtained in connection with professional activities and must correspond to the truth with reasonable certainty. According to § 38 HinSchG, the whistleblower is obliged to compensate for any damage caused by the wilful or grossly negligent reporting or passing on of false information.

Internal reporting centre at Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus (SMWK)
(This reporting office applies to all employees of the SMWK and the employees of the business units, which also include the employees of the HTW Dresden).

  • E-Mail: Hinweisgeberstelle(at)
  • Phone number: 0351 - 564 63900 
  • Postal address: Hinweisgeberstelle beim SMWK | Postfach 10 09 20 | 01079 Dresden
  • Home address: Hinweisgeberstelle beim SMWK | Wigardstraße 17 | 01097 Dresden                           

Communication with the internal reporting office should only take place via the expressly named communication channels to ensure that the information sent is received directly by the internal reporting office. The whistleblowing office is factually independent and organisationally separate from the rest of the SMWK's business operations. The confidentiality of the personal data affected by a report is an important concern of the Whistleblower Protection Act. The Whistleblowing Office attaches great importance to the confidential treatment of identity.

In addition, whistleblowers can also contact the Federal Government's external reporting centre at the Federal Office of Justice