Joining Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Goebel is currently holding the professorship for "Joining".
Technical devices and their parts are getting more and more complex, especially in regard to the materials involved. This trend can not only be seen in modern vehicles or machinery but also in household appliances. As a result, joining is more complex, as different materials are usually more difficult to join reliably. This is especially true when it comes to welding. Welding know-how involves knowledge from several science areas: material science, arc and plasma physics, process know-how and surface technologies are typically involved. Furthermore, ecological and financial aspects need to be considered when designing a new joining process.
The lessons and practical courses aim to cover these aspects. The goal is to help future engineers decide where to use which joining process and how.
Current research areas:
- beam welding
- solid state welding techniques
- biopolymer and metal+biopolymer hybrid joining
- virtual-reality based "immersive" teaching
The following lectures and courses are offered by the professorship „Fügetechnik“
Fügetechnik (Joining Technology)
Fertigungstechnik (Manufacturing Engineering, with focus on joining)
Oberflächen- und Beschichtungstechnik (Surface and Coating Technologies)
Produktionstechnik (Production Engineering)
Innovation in Industry and Transportation