Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Swen Günther
Research projects
- From 04/ 2021: RL validation funding on biocompatible packaging materials, interdisciplinary project (interconnector), funded by SMWA/ SAB, 2 joint partners (HTWD), duration: 18 months
- 2020-2021: Transfer barometer: Determining indicators for measuring success in knowledge transfer, funded by Stifterverband, 10 participating universities or research institutions, duration: 12 months
- 2019-2021: Transfer_i: Joint project on transfer indicators as part of the BMBF funding line QUEL (interconnector), cooperation partners: HTWK Leipzig, OTH Regensburg, 4 sub-projects, duration: 30 months
- 2018-2019: LiT.funding "Cooperative teaching projects", 7th cohort, 2018/ 19, BMBF project via Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Sachen (HDS), joint project with TU Dresden, 2 professors, duration: 12 months
further information on Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Swen Günther
further information on research projects
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Swen Günther
Responsible Person for Master of Enginieering (M.Eng.)
- Z 619
- +49 351 462 3337

Academic Employees
M.A. Silvia Liubenova Popova
- Current project: Transfer barometer (Stifterverband)
- Role: Project work in the area of indicator development and validation
- Studies: Master "International Management" at HTW Dresden
- Practical experience: Intern in marketing & communication - Blind-Link (Hanoi, Vietnam), working student in the fields of knowledge and technology transfer as well as method development (TRIZ-Reverse) - HTW Dresden
M.A. Paula-Marie Bormann
- Current project: "Transferindikatorik" - BMBF joint project
- Role: Project management and project cooperation in the subproject Business, PhD student
- Studies: Master "International Business" at HTW Dresden
- Practice: Consultant at MRL Consulting, Dresden/ Various
- Research: Transfer and innovation management, creativity and stressors
Research Assistant
- Dominic Janitz: Master programme in Industrial Engineering and Management, Transfer_i indicator analysis