

Database-Informationsystem DBIS

In special licensed subject databases, searchable via the database information system DBIS, journal articles, conference reports, dissertations, statistics or standards can be searched. DBIS also offers links to other free databases on the Internet. If the database search does not provide you with a full text but a bibliographic journal reference, you can check access via the electronic journal library or the journal database.

Electronic Journals Database (EZB)

The electronic journals database is one of the most comprehensive and freely accessible bibliographic databases on scientific electronic journals. A traffic light function indicates the possibility of access to journal offers.

Printed journals database (ZDB)

In the printed journals database you will find the titles of journals, newspapers, databases, yearbooks and other media that appear periodically in printed or electronic form and are available in libraries in Germany and Austria.

In order to make more effective use of our database services, we recommend that you attend the library training workshops.

Licensed databases of the HTW Library Dresden