
Standards and patents

The university library enables searches and access to various standards and patents.


Perinorm (standards database, access via VPN) provides bibliographic information and full texts, e.g:

  •     DIN standards
  •     DWA documents
  •     VDI guidelines

Note for withdrawn documents: withdrawn standards after 1992 can be ordered free of charge from the publisher by the library, if available.

VDE regulations (access via VPN):

DIN VDE standards, VDE standards and DIN VDE draft standards in full text, but without storage and printing options.


DEPATISnet (free on the net):

Patent publications (in full text) from all over the world, which are in the database of the internal German patent information system DEPATIS, as well as all German patent publications since 1877.

DPMAregister (free on the net):

Web service of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office and combines the functions of the previous databases DPINFO and DPMApublikationen. It enables the search for filed, registered and granted IP rights, the determination of the current legal status as well as the regular and systematic examination of newly published IP rights.

Espacenet (free on the net):

Internet service of the European Patent Office. It contains patent documents and information from 63 countries and organisations since 1920.