Faculty of Informatics / Mathematics

circuit board with installed elements
HTW Dresden

Creative, Interesting, Playful Sensitizing for MINT

Project Description KISS-MINT


Our working environment and the private environment are becoming increasingly digitized. This changes the living together. For Germany, this transformation of society offers great opportunities for prosperity, quality of life and sustainability. Germany wants to play a pioneering role in the breakthrough and use of digital services. To do justice to this role and to help shape change, we currently and in the future need highly qualified junior staff in scientific and technical occupational fields. A key factor here is the activation of previously insufficiently addressed and sensitized groups in society. In particular, the current and future generation of women and their social skills need to be more involved in this process and won over to future-oriented and innovative careers in the area of ​​MINT. The project outlined here develops suitable tools and methods for the areas of school, training, and university as well as companies.

Project Support

SAP SE in Dresden supports the project by providing technical and human resources free of charge.


The overall objective is to interest students in MINT and to link positive personal experiences with them. For this purpose, suitable topics from the area of ​​interest of the target group can be found (for example, "smart clothing"). It requires a goal-oriented, emotional approach and suitable working methods. Again, it is about arousing curiosity and showing that MINT is much more than the cliché of mathematics and computer programming. In this context, young men and women's interest in MINT should be aroused. For this purpose, the project aims to reduce the inhibition threshold for pursuits with MINT on the basis of playful project-oriented didactics, while at the same time promoting interest in the topic. For this, educational concepts based on didactics should be developed and tested together with schools, industry partners, youth education providers and the university. This should be done with a special focus on students in the age range of 13 to 17 years. In a first project phase, suitable formats are developed and tested in cooperation with the Gymnasium Klotzsche and the secondary school Weixdorf. The project results will be prepared in the second phase for broad use in everyday school life and will be made available free of charge under this Link. 

That was the best thing we did last year!

Pupil grammar school Dresden-Klotzsche

Project duration

April 2018 to December 2020

Project participants

Gymnasium Klotzsche
Oberschule Weixdorf
Gymnasium Pieschen

Project results KISS-MINT

Callope teaching marerial for a complete teaching module

After nine months of project duration, we were able to publish the first set of teaching materials for individual, creative teaching in the MINT field. The materials use the Calliope, which can be purchased as a class set from Cornelsen-Verlag. A total of eight experiments are available in the form of worksheets and sample solutions. Futhermore, there are summarising self-learning aids, which are designed as overview sheets. In addition to the tasks for solving problems, there are also tasks for designing own experiments, which give the pupils room for their own creativity and self-activity. The available material thus covers a course with a scope of ten 90-minute learning units in the field of information technology / measurement and control rules. It is also suitable for use in the context of all-day offers. The materials were successfully evaluated in the context of school lessons in the grammar school class 9 and were used in an adapted form in the GTA of a secondary school in classes 5-8. Attention, the solution guides contain a password protection, which will be sent by e-mail on request - so that the solutions really get into the hands of the teachers. ;-)

Calliope material for a complete module


Teaching materials for self-testing (in german)

Take a look


Promotion and Project Support

This measure is co-financed with tax revenues on the basis of the budget adopted by the Saxon State Parliament.