Vehicle technology and safety
teaching and research for safe mobility
The Chair of Vehicle Technology and Safety, headed by Prof Dr Lars Hannawald, teaches students about the interaction of vehicle assemblies and the safety requirements in road traffic. The programme combines theoretical principles with practical applications and covers topics ranging from vehicle dynamics to accident reconstruction.
Vehicle dynamics
In the field of vehicle dynamics, students learn the physical principles for analysing vehicle movements under external influences. Knowledge is deepened on the basis of technical mechanics in order to understand complex movement scenarios - essential for accident reconstruction.
Chassis technology and automated driving
In the chassis lectures, components such as tyres, steering, brakes and suspension are analysed in detail. A particular focus is placed on the interaction of these components in the overall chassis system, as changes to individual parts influence the overall performance of the vehicle.
With the development of automated driving, the chassis is becoming even more important as the central link between the vehicle and the road. Sensors and actuators must be optimally integrated in order to precisely detect road and traffic conditions and react quickly. In addition, the chassis technology, in conjunction with advanced assistance systems, enables a comfortable, safe driving experience by automatically taking over braking and steering manoeuvres.
The aim is to design the driving dynamics in such a way that the automated vehicle reacts safely and efficiently even in complex situations such as cornering or sudden evasive manoeuvres. The combination of classic chassis technology and state-of-the-art sensor technology forms the basis for the mobility of the future.

Vehicle safety
Passive safety aims to reduce the consequences of accidents, in particular by analysing biomechanical injury mechanisms. This involves analysing the main injuries and how they occur in the event of an accident. Vehicle, sled and component tests are used to analyse safety-relevant aspects in real-life test scenarios.
Active safety, on the other hand, focuses on accident prevention. Critical situations are recognised at an early stage so that the driver can be warned or automated systems can intervene. These technologies help to reduce the frequency and severity of accidents and require a precise legal assessment.
The automotive industry requires advanced safety solutions that can be realised through close cooperation between all stakeholders. Integral safety links the areas of active and passive safety and considers the accident cycle from the onset to the rescue as a holistic process.
Accident analysis
Accident analysis deals with the detailed reconstruction of real accidents and the analysis of injury mechanisms. Practical exercises and simulations with PC crashes provide students with sound training in the documentation and assessment of accident scenarios. In the compulsory elective course Computational Accident Reconstruction, real accidents are reconstructed with the PC-Crash software in the shared computer pool under the direction of Dr Michael Weyde.
Technical Expertise
The course in Expertise under the direction of Prof. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Bönninger offers insights into the professional field of motor vehicle experts. Students learn about the requirements for expert reports on accident reconstruction, damage assessment and repair cost estimation. The issuing of operating licences for vehicles and vehicle parts is another central topic.
Our professorship offers a practice-orientated education that optimally prepares students for the challenges of modern vehicle technology and safety.