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- Adomat. Y., Grischek, T. (2021) Sampling and processing methods of microplastics in river sediments - A review. Science of The Total Environment 758, 143691; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143691.
- Adomat, Y., Orzechowski, G., Pelger, H., Haas, R., Bartak, R., Nagy-Kovács, Z., Appels, J., Grischek, T. (2020) New methods for microbiological monitoring at riverbank filtration sites. Water 12(2), 584, doi:10.3390/w12020584.
- Bartak, R., Grischek, T. (2018a) Hydraulische Berechnung von Heberbrunnen. bbr 69(4), 64-69.
- Bartak, R., Grischek, T. (2018b) Groundwater abstraction through siphon wells – Hydraulic design and energy savings. Water 10, 570; doi:10.3390/w10050570.
- Covatti, G., Grischek, T. (2021) Sources and behavior of ammonium during riverbank filtration. Water Research 191, 116788; doi:10.1016/j.watres.2020.116788.
- D’Alessio, M, Grischek, T., Ray, C. (2018) Water crisis: Bank filtration and aquifer storage and recovery as possible alternative. J. Hazardous Toxic Radioactive Waste 22(4), doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000417.
- Dillon, P., Stuyfzand, P., Grischek, T., Lluria, M., Pyne, R.D.G., Jain, R.C., Bear, J., Schwarz, J., Wang, W., Fernandez, E., Stefan, C., Pettenati, M., van der Gun, J., Sprenger, C., Massmann, G., Scanlon, B.R., Xanke, J., Jokela, P., Zheng, Y., Rossetto, R., Shamrukh, M., Pavelic, P., Murray, E., Ross, A., Bonilla Valverde, J.P., Palma Nava. A., Ansems, N., Posavec, K., Ha, K., Martin, R., Sapiano, M. (2019) Sixty years of global progress in managed aquifer recharge. Hydrogeol. J. 27(1), 1-30, doi:10.1007/s10040-018-1841-z.
- Dragon, K., Górski, J., Kruć, R., Drożdżyński, D., Grischek, T. (2018) Removal of natural organic matter and organic micropollutants during riverbank filtration in Krajkowo, Poland. J. Water 10(10), 1457, doi:10.3390/w10101457.
- Ghodeif, K., Paufler, S., Grischek, T., Wahaab, R., Souaya, E., Bakr, M., Abogabal, A. (2018) Riverbank filtration in Cairo, Egypt - part I: Installation of a new riverbank filtration site and first monitoring results. Environ. Earth Sci. 77(7), 270, s12665-018-7450-2.
- Glorian, H., Börnick, H., Sandhu, C., Grischek, T. (2018) Water quality monitoring in northern India for an evaluation of the efficiency of bank filtration sites. Water 10, 1804, doi:10.3390/w10121804.
- Haas, R., Opitz, R., Grischek, T., Otter, P. (2018) The AquaNES project: Coupling riverbank filtration and ultrafiltration in drinking water treatment. Water 11, 18; doi:10.3390/w11010018.
- Jaramillo, M., Grischek, T., Boernick, H., Velez, J.I. (2019) Evaluation of riverbank filtration in the removal of pesticides: an approximation using column experiments and contaminant transport modeling. Clean Technol. Environ. Policy 21(1), 179-199, doi:10.1007/s10098-018-1627-y.
- Kruc, R., Dragon, K., Górski, J., Nagy-Kovács, Z., Grischek, T. (2020) Geohydraulic conditions and post-treatment at riverbank filtration sites in Eastern Europe. Baltica 33(1), 97-108, doi:10.5200/baltica.2020.1.9.
- Musche, F., Grischek, T., Uhlmann, W. (2018) Erkundung eisenreicher Hot Spots im Grundwasser¬zustrom von Fließgewässern in der Lausitz. Proc. 26. Fachtagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie der DGGV e.V., 21.-24.03.2018, Bochum, ISSN 16198050, 107.
- Musche, F., Sandhu, C., Grischek, T., Patwal, P.S., Kimothi, P.C., Heisler, A. (2018) A field study on the construction of a flood-proof riverbank filtration well in India – challenges and opportunities. Int. J. of Disaster Risk Reduction 31, 489-497, doi: 10.1016/ j.ijdrr.2018.06.003.
- Nagy-Kovács, Z., Davidesz, J., Czihat-Mártonné, K., Grischek, T. (2019) Water quality changes during riverbank filtration at Budapest, Hungary. Water 11, 302; doi:10.3390/w11020302.
- Nagy-Kovács, Z., László, B., Fleit, E., Czichat-Mártonné, K., Till, G., Börnick, H., Adomat, Y., Grischek, T. (2018) Behaviour of organic micropollutants during river bank filtration in Budapest, Hungary. Water 10(12), 1861; doi:10.3390/w10121861.
- Orzechowski, G., Grischek, T. (2018) Mikrobiologische Grundwasseruntersuchungen im Feld. Proc. Tagung Grundwassermonitoring und -probennahme, Sächs. Landesstiftung Natur und Umwelt, Akademie, 27.-29.09.2018, Torgau, 21-25.
- Otter, P., Mette, K., Wesch, R., Gerhardt, T., Krüger, F.-M., Goldmaier, A., Benz, F., Malakar, P., Grischek, T. (2020) Oxidation of selected trace organic compounds through the combination of inline electro-chlorination with UV radiation (UV/ECl2) as alternative AOP for decentralized drinking water treatment. J. Water 12, 3275; doi:10.3390/w12113275.
- Otter, P., Sattler, W., Grischek, T., Jaskolski, M., Mey, E., Ulmer, N., Grossmann, P., Matthias, F., Malakar, P., Goldmaier, A., Benz, F., Ndumwa, C. (2020) Economic evaluation of water kiosks operated with solar driven electro-chlorination in rural regions in Nepal, Egypt and Tanzania. Wat. Res. 187, 116384, doi: 10.1016/j.watres. 2020.116384.
- Otter, P., Hertel, S., Ansari, J., Lara, E., Cano, R., Arias, C., Gregersen, P., Grischek, T., Benz, F., Goldmaier, A., Alvarez, J.A. (2020) Disinfection for decentralized wastewater reuse in rural areas through wetlands and solar driven onsite chlorination. Sci. Tot. Environ. 721, 137595, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137595.
- Otter, P., Malakar, P., Sandhu, C., Grischek, T., Sharma, S.K., Kimothi, P.C., Nüske, G., Wagner, M., Goldmaier, A., Benz, F. (2019) Combination of river bank filtration and solar driven electro-chlorination assuring safe drinking water supply for river bound communities in India. Water 11, 122, doi:10.3390/w11010122.
- Paufler, S., Adomat, Y., Grischek, T. (2018) Versuche zur Chlorzehrung bei der Infiltration von natriumhypochlorithaltigem Wasser in einen Brunnen. Proc. Jahrestagung der Wasserchem. Gesell., 7.-9.05.2018, Papenburg, ISBN 978-3947197057, 392-396.
- Paufler, S., Benso, M., Seidel, N., Grischek, T. (2018) Auswaschung oder Eintrag von Mangan bei der Uferfiltration? Proc. 26. Fachtagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie der DGGV e.V., 21.-24.03.2018, Bochum, ISSN 16198050, 109.
- Paufler, S., Grischek, T., Bartak, R., Ghodeif, K., Wahaab, R., Boernick, H. (2018) Riverbank filtration in Cairo, Egypt - Part II: Detailed investigation of a new riverbank filtration site with a focus on manganese. Environ. Earth Sci. 77(8), 318, s12665-018-7500-9
- Paufler, S., Grischek, T. (2018) Herkunft und Verhalten von Mangan bei der Uferfiltration. Grundwasser 23(4), 277-296, doi: 10.1007/s00767-018-0401-8.
- Paufler, S., Grischek, T., Benso, M., Seidel, N., Fischer, T. (2018) The impact of river discharge and water temperature on manganese release from the riverbed during riverbank filtration – A case study from Dresden, Germany. J. Water 10(10), 1476, doi:10.3390/w10101476.
- Paufler, S., Grischek, T., Herlitzius, J., Feller, J., Kulakov, V.V. (2018) Manganese release linked to carbonate dissolution during the start-up phase of a subsurface iron removal well in Khabarovsk, Russia. Sci. Total Environ. 650(2), 1722-1733, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.319.
- Paufler, S., Grischek, T., Ruppert, M. (2019) Freisetzung von Mangan nach Umstellung von Brunnen mit unterirdischer Enteisenung auf Dauerbetrieb. gwf Wasser Abwasser 1(160), 55-65.
- Ronghang, M., Gupta, A., Mehrotra, I., Kumar, P., Patwal, P. Kumar, S., Grischek, T., Sandhu, C. (2018) Riverbank filtration: a case study of four sites in the hilly regions of Uttarakhand, India. Sustain. Wat. Res. Managem. doi: 10.1007/s40899-018-0255-3.
- Sandhu, C., Grischek, T., Börnick, H., Feller, J., Sharma, S.K. (2019) A water quality appraisal of some existing and potential riverbank filtration sites in India. Water 11(2), 215, doi:10.3390/w11020215.
- Voltz, T.J., Grischek, T. (2019) Microturbines at drinking water tanks fed by gravity pipelines: A method and Excel tool for maximizing annual energy generation based on historical tank outflow data. J. Water 11, 1403; doi:10.3390/w11071403.
- Voltz, T., Grischek, T. (2018) Energy Management in the Water Sector – Comparative Case Study of Germany and the United States. Water-Energy Nexus,
- Voltz, T., Irmscher, R., Grischek, T., Sandhu, C., Musche, F., Kimothi, P.C., Tyagi, A., Dhamija, S. (2018a) Energieeffizienzsteigerung von Trinkwasserpumpen in Uttarakhand, Indien: Fallbeispiel einer deutsch-indischen Zusammenarbeit. gwf Wasser Abwasser 159(4), 61-73, ISSN 0016-3651.
- Voltz, T., Monse, M., Grischek, T. (2018b) Energieeffizienter Betrieb von Brunnengruppen. Proc. 26. Fachtagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie der DGGV e.V., 21.-24.03.2018, Bochum, ISSN 16198050, 212.
- Wahaab, R.A., Salah, A., Grischek, T. (2019) Water quality changes during the initial operating phase of riverbank filtration sites in Upper Egypt. J. Water 11, 1258-1275.
- Werisch, S., Grischek, T. (2018) Wasserwirtschaftlich relevante Änderungen durch den Klimawandel – Aktuelles für die Elbe. energie wasser praxis 12, 52-59.